RTMP Hosting with Media servers from Hosting Marketers.
With pandemic of coronavirus and the lockdown causing so much suffering specially the older people it is necessary in fact obligatory for churches to step up and start streaming live their churches events. How it is possible that some churches still are not streaming on Sundays? and what about mosques?
Don’t the muslims have the right to have their Friday Khutbah? It is different from seeing on TV with streaming live from Mecca, to stream the live event on their neighbour mosque and seeing their Imam is a consultation and more then ever a real need in times like this.
We not living in somewhere 200 years ago, we are in 2020 and with modern technologies it is easier than at any time to add an IP camera to a mosque or a church with a $50 camera and start streaming live to their people.
That is why Hosting Marketers has step up and with a simple control panel you can go live in 3 minutes.

With easy steps and personalized support, we’ll be there every step of the way to ensure your church is set up to live stream your services.
RTMP Hosting From Hosting Marketers
Order our Live Streaming Server demo account and test our services. Or better still email us your requirements and your phone number and we will call you, we will help step by step on setting up your church services. Email us with your phone number here.
Since 2009 we help live streaming church services in 57 countries.
Capture your church live service with a video camera or mobile device.
Connect your video to a computer.
Broadcast your video to your church website (if you don’t have one we can create a web site for your Church) and major social platforms, Facebook Live, YouTube, Vimeo and more.

Hosting Marketers uses the rtmp server which is a protocol to stream video, media and live events in the internet between browsers. This offering of them uses the RTMP Hosting which is from wowza.
Lets first explain what is a media server. A media server in this case the rtmp hosting provided by Hosting Marketers a web host which is online since 2005, differently from a normal server which is used mainly to host web sites is used to handle media events, audio, video streaming, video chat and so on.
Than Hosting Marketers with their RTMP solutions implement a way that connect to the input which could be a video camera or a microphone and then connect to the output which is a flash player so the user sitting behind a desktop or a laptop can hear or see the video with the stream.